Our Curriculum Drivers
At Firfield Primary School, we have the following curriculum drivers that are used to underpin the direction and development of all areas of school life and ensure our curriculum is enriched and personalised in order to meet the needs, interests and ambitions of our children and families.
World Citizens
We believe our children need to develop a knowledge and understanding about where they live and the wider world (including preparing children for the digital world). To understand their role in society and develop respect towards the environment and diversity through learning about different communities, religions and cultures.
Healthy Advocates
We believe that it is important to us that all members of our school community are healthy – physically and mentally. Throughout life, we face many different challenges and need to have mental and physical strength to be successful and happy.
Ambitious Thinkers
To have an understanding of the possibilities that are ahead. To learn about economic success, business enterprise and develop computer literacy to be able to adapt to the changing world to achieve our personal best.
Resilient Individuals
We believe our pupils should be ambitious and embrace new challenges with drive and determination so that they can confidently thrive and flourish. To be resilient, have perseverance and grow independence, developing the life skills to allow fulfilling and rewarding futures.
Creative and Curious Minds
Alongside developing the skill and knowledge, foster a love for learning through curiosity and have the freedom to share this creatively.