Area/Initiative |
Action Plan
Implementation and Monitoring
Evidence of the Funding Breakdown |
Impact / Summary |
Staff Development |
Staff using planning from First Grade Sports (FGS) where appropriate
Lessons/blocks of planning on the server for staff to access
FGS coaches 3 afternoons a week delivering PE lessons for KS1 and KS2
FGS coaches providing additional clubs during lunchtimes and after school for 1 hour to support and prepare for competitions.
Staff meetings lead by LT to keep staff up to date and link support from FGS to our development of PE delivery
PE Co-ordinator observing staff implementation
Pupil interviews regarding the effectiveness of clubs provided
LT to inform all staff at the earliest possible convenience regarding pupils selected for clubs and all other info
LT to liaise weekly with JS from FGS regarding provision and impact
£5,000 a year (2017/18)
3 days a week (pm)
FGS are being used effectively across the school with observations taking place for HLTAs
Pupil interviews reveal the vast majority of pupils are enjoying the provision taking place at Firfield and only a very small minority are currently disengaged with sporting activities both during lesson times and in after-school clubs
With clear organisation, all staff (including the kitchen staff) were informed at the beginning of the year to prepare for children potentially being absent from lessons.
FGS are invaluable to us- we are now able to offer 5 lunch and after-school clubs as well as the clubs that are being paid for separately.
School sports Partnership
(Silver package) |
Curriculum support for one block of 6 weeks after-school club during the year (this year it will be provided by Beeston Hocky club for Year 6)
Inter-school competitions entered electronically (£50 charge if schools pull out at a late date)
CPD opportunities - staff will take part in training.
Wider opportunities with specialist PE coaches
Festivals to engage a wider variety of pupils at a more fun and skills based level rather than competition to encourage every pupil to enjoy being active
Leadership training
Blogging opportunities
Young Ambasssadors meetings to promote sporting role models in the school environment
To provide competition and curriculum support opportunities for children across the key stages
Half-termly meetings with local schools (PE co-ordinator) to share practice and keep up-to-date regarding Erewash schools and the progression of the subject as part of a government initiative
Young Ambassadors and Mini-Leaders (child-led)
LT to give all staff members the options of the CPD opportunities available at staff meeting in order to make cross-curricular links and improve provision of PE across the school
Festivals to encourage more active pupils on a wider scale
£1,500 a year
as charged by the Erewash School Sports Partnership
Curriculum support saw Firfield take Bronze, Silver and Gold in the Erewash tournament
More competition opportunities for a more diverse range of activities
Mini-leaders have ensured that pupil voice is not only strong but is impressionable around the school
CPD this year focused on cross-curricular links with Numeracy and Literacy to add to active sections of lesson times for all
Festivals have meant that entire Year groups have represented Firfield at least once throughout the course of the year
PE co-ordinator to attend courses
PE co-ordinator to lead staff meetings developing planning and intra-school opportunities
All staff to have the opportunity to take part in CPD opportunities
LT to collate planning
LT to set skills based curriculum/sport for each year group
Courses are part of the affiliation package with the SSP
£1150 supply release cover
£300 for Swimming Course for CH and NT (NQT and newly appointed teacher)
Courses attended have ensured that the PE Co-Ordinator has been able to develop provision based on up-to-date national requirements
Additional bookings made during this time
Swimming Courses have created more competent and confident new members of staff
Intra-School |
Intra-house or class competitions filtered throughout PE sessions as a way of putting their skill development into practice.
At the end of games units
During lunchtimes as arranged and run by Young Ambassadors to promote pupil voice
Implemented by class teachers across both key stages
During lunchtimes as facilitated by LT, organised by Young Ambassadors to promote pupil voice and give sporting responsibilities to young role models
FGS in advisory capacity
Teachers to implement
LT to train Young Ambassadors in sports organisation of events and umpire/referee capacity
Competition elements factored into most PE lessons across KS1 and KS2 to encourage a healthy understanding of rules and how to conduct behaviour during competition and tournament situations
Young Ambassador competitions have been a huge success- always inundated with participants to give an extra focus during lunchtimes
Inter-School |
Firfield attends competitions in a variety of sports, ranging from gymnastics festivals, cheerleading, tennis, netball, rugby, athletics, cricket and hockey
Friendlies are being arranged with other local schools as an additional form of competition prior to main sporting events to allow pupils to learn from essential experience
Football league and Derbyshire football cup entered for Year 5/6 boys football based on feedback from last year
Ongoing throughout the year
Providing as many children as possible with sports competition opportunities
Preparation for competitions when and where appropriate
Super 6 competitions as part of our family of schools
Bookings to be made by LT and passed on to all staff members to give notice of when their children may potentially be out. However, much of the competitions are out of school hours.
Linked with School Sports Partnership Silver Affiliation Package
Transport and teacher cover to venues - £5000
Firfield have achieved Gold for the third year running due to our strong participation in events. We dominate the field and pupils have been credited with their wonderful sportsmanship, resilience, pride and determination when representing the school
Transport required and booked well in advance at the beginning of the year
Football league was won by our boys and girls and the boys made it to the semi-finals in the Derbyshire Cup. This will be entered into again next year
School Sports Award |
Silver Award gained in September 2014, sustained until 2015
2015-2016 we achieved Bronze
2016-17 Silver achievement
2017-18 Gold achievement
This year we would like to maintain Gold award in order to further progress to Platinum
SEN focus to develop an inclusive curriculum/ planning development
Opportunities to further our leadership program
Increased parent and community communication through regular blogging (sports journalists)
Mini Leader involvement
Competition success to be monitored by LT to meet specific set criteria
LT to monitor and track all pupils who have represented the school in competitions, gone out to take part in festivals or attended clubs
Curriculum development
Co-ordinator moderation for pupils with SEN
Increase of equipment
Gold Award obtained for 2019-2019
More SEN focus has meant that pupils have better relationships and outlook on sport
Links with SENCO
See above for pupil voice
Parent helpers have been more prevalent this year to enable us to take Spring and Summer clubs around the village rather than having to stay in school
Specific criteria monitored closely · throughout the course of the year and met tenfold due to clear objectives
Pupil tracking for clubs has been a success as it has ensured that as many pupils as possible get a fair chance to participate in as many clubs as possible.
Co-ordinator / Leadership Role |
Maintain the Gold School Sports Award
Enter an increasing amount of competitions and festivals for pupils off all abilities across key stages
Ensure staff are planning based on skills with a focus on the criteria for their particular year group
Promoting a love of learning and health and well-being in school
Wider opportunities and links with outside agencies
Cross curricular opportunities
Pupil interviews
Moderation of planning and implementation
Observations of lessons from both staff and FGS
Analysis of assessment data
SSP meetings half-termly
After-school clubs
Specialist assemblies and links toencourage through advertisement
Release time for analysis and assessment of whole school implementation and progress
Gold Award achieved
Competitions entered and additional leagues and cups entered throughout the year
Planning still needs to be improved but FGS ensure that all areas are covered
Firfield has embodied an active ethos and this only continues to grow year-by-year
Links made give additional provision for after school clubs and taster sessions for year groups
Heat maps completed give a focus for the upcoming year
Pupil Voice |
Mini-leaders sports activities and help with after-school clubs upon completion of their training with FGS at the start of the year
KS2 morning break and lunch
Sports journalists (blogging)
Young Ambassadors (activities, sports role models and leading games at lunch and break times)
Sustain a greater number of pupils so that leadership opportunities are accessible to pupils
Intra-school competitions
Pupil arranged whole school sporting activities with peers as part of leadership role
School Sports Notice board
Four ambassadors to attend termly meetings and involve themselves in actively promoting sport around the school with competitions and the running of their own assemblies
Playmakers to have a bigger role in the development of sports role models by helping out in after-school clubs with younger pupils
Training from curriculum support staff
Release for LT in July (1 x pm) to proivde training for pupils for mini-leaders
No release provided for new mini-leader training
Mini leaders this year, however, have engaged more children in sport in the very minimal area of the playground that they have been allowed to use
Young Ambassadors took charge of Boccia, Kwik Cricket, Table Tennis and Basketball competitions for KS2 during lunchtimes
Termly meetings attended to help grow in confidence
Playmakers have meant that we have been able to accept a third more KS1 and Reception children on to clubs due to the invaluable support they provide
Additional Clubs |
Yoga/Pilates Club?
Girls Football Club (Cathy Birtles)
Basketball Club (Roger Ura)
Rugby Club (Long Eaton Rugby Club)
Table Tennis Club (Jo Green at Drycott Table Tennis Club)
LT to contact more outside agencies regarding additional clubs
£150 for Cathy Birtles (Girls’ Football of which £100 to be used from fund raising at the end of 2017-2018 year)
Year 6 Rugby (free due to links made)
Year 5/6 Basketball (free due to links made)
Year 5/6 Table Tennis Club (free due to links made in Autumn Term- £200 thereafter for the Summer term for Year 4 & 5)
Yoga Club had to be taken over by FGS due to unforeseen circumstances but this was still a resounding success
Girls’ Football won the Derbyshire finals
Qualification for County Finals in Basketball
Qualification for teams and 2 female individual representatives for Table Tennis
Links with LERFC meant that children signed up to join the club and parents came down to watch and support, further strengthening links with this local club
Extra-Curricular Opportunities |
Offer a greater variety of extra-curricular opportunities for all year groups
See ‘Whole School Clubs List’ for a breakdown of year group and sporting focus
Activities to be run by a range of different teaching staff
Equipment £500
Equipment ensured that both old and new clubs could run smoothly
Staff now need to take more care of equipment
Other |
Qualification to county finals event
Additional equipment (PE mats for safety purposes, air flow balls for whole school use and Dodgeballs for new club to be run)
Coach required for teams of 4 boys and 4 girls for return journey
Additional equipment for whole school
Availability of funds meant that we could attend county finals reached when given enough notice from the ESSP